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PES Helpdesk

Ensure all your utilities are in order with our business energy portfolio management solution

Improve the oversight of all your utilities and reduce your energy costs by centralizing all your energy information into a single hub.  

At PES we provide our clients with a comprehensive portfolio management service during the length of the contract. This entails:

Changes of tenancy management – site closures and opening and contract additions

Metering – contracting, meter installations, meter removals, meter capping, meter readings, data collections, smart  metering, sub-metering

Capacity management

 Energy efficiency

Portfolio queries

All queries raised by yourself (or us on your behalf) are logged into your interactive queries management portal, the PES Helpdesk. You will be able to track your queries, add comments, see all your related documents, replies and comments from your suppliers and other parties involved in your query resolution.

Your portal will also show you the dates and times of raised queries, so it is easy for you to track how long the query takes and whether we are compliant with the SLA.

Improve the visibility of all your utilities by speaking to one of our consultants about centralizing all your energy information.

Request a Consultation